vs. Vampire (OT: Yi Mei Dao Ren)
New Mr. Vampire 2, One-Eyebrow Priest
The Chinese
exorcist is One-Eyebrow Priest. He leads a peaceful life in hermitage
with his two bungling students and the mini-vampire. One day a ghost
ship comes to the village and the priest is asked to catch the ghosts.
He meets Sister Maria and her beautiful assistants. Life is no longer
peaceful. The water becomes polluted. The priest discovers the pollutant
to be a European vampire who is aided by a dead countess. The priest's
Chinese exorcism fails miserably...
Dieser Film liegt uns bereits vor. Leider sind wir noch nicht
dazu gekommen, ihn uns anzusehen und ein Review zu schreiben.
Bitte habt noch ein wenig Geduld!